
Pit Bull Terrier dog !

Rottweilers are a breed of large, muscular dogs that are known for their strength, loyalty, and intelligence. Here is some more information about Rottweilers: Appearance : Rottweilers have a distinctive appearance with their black and tan coat and muscular build. They typically weigh between 80-135 pounds (36-61 kg) and stand about 22-27 inches (56-69 cm) tall at the shoulder. They have a broad head with a black nose and dark eyes. Temperament : Rottweilers are loyal, protective, and intelligent dogs that make excellent family pets. They are known for their calm and confident demeanor, and are often used as police and military dogs. Rottweilers are naturally protective of their family and can be wary of strangers, so socialization and training is important from a young age. Training : Rottweilers are intelligent dogs and are known for their eagerness to please their owners. They respond well to positive reinforcement training methods, and can excel in obedience, agility, and other dog

Pit Bull Terrier information

 The Pit Bull Terrier, also known as the American Pit Bull Terrier, is a breed of dog that originated in the United States. It is a medium-sized dog, typically weighing between 30 and 70 pounds and standing 17 to 21 inches tall at the shoulder. The Pit Bull Terrier has a short, glossy coat that can come in a variety of colors, including black, brown, red, blue, and brindle. Historically, Pit Bull Terriers were bred for bull-baiting, a brutal sport where dogs would attack bulls in a pit. When bull-baiting was banned, Pit Bull Terriers were then used for dog fighting. Today, dog fighting is illegal in most countries, and the Pit Bull Terrier is used primarily as a companion animal. Pit Bull Terriers are known for their loyalty, intelligence, and affectionate nature. They are generally good with children, but due to their strong prey drive and history of dog fighting, they may not be the best choice for homes with small pets. It is important to socialize and train a Pit Bull Terrier from

most dangerous dogs in the world !

  There are many dog breeds that are considered potentially dangerous, and it's important to note that not all individuals within a breed will exhibit aggressive behavior. However, some of the breeds that are commonly considered to be the most dangerous include: 1 Pit Bull Terrier 2 Rottweiler 3 German Shepherd 4 Doberman Pinscher 5 Bullmastiff 6 Husky 7 Alaskan Malamute 8 Boxer 9 Dalmatian 10 Chow Chow It's important to remember that a dog's behavior is influenced by many factors, including genetics, socialization, training, and environment. Responsible ownership, training, and socialization can help prevent aggression and promote good behavior in dogs.

अदानींसाठी आनंदाची बातमी

  अदानी समूहासाठी एक आनंदाची बातमी आहे. जागतिक रेटिंग एजन्सी S&P (S&P) ने अदानी ग्रीन एनर्जी लिमिटेडला देखरेखीतून काढून टाकले आहे. समूहाच्या शेअर्समध्ये सातत्याने घसरण होत असताना कंपनीसाठी ही दिलासादायक बातमी आहे. हिंडेनबर्ग अहवालानंतर, S&P ने अदानी ग्रीन एनर्जीच्या प्रकल्प वित्त व्यवहाराचे रेटिंग वॉचवर ठेवले होते. एजन्सीने सांगितले की पुनरावलोकन पूर्ण झाले आहे. प्रकल्प पॅरामीटर्सवर परिणाम होत नाही.

गौतम अदानींची 33 व्या क्रमांकावर घसरण

  अमेरिकन रिसर्च फर्म हिंडेनबर्गच्या अहवालानंतर अदानी समूहाला मोठा धक्का बसला आहे. अशातच गौतम अदानींची आता जगातील श्रीमंतांच्या यादीत 33 व्या क्रमांकावर घसरण झाली आहे. ते 2022 वर्षामध्ये 150 अब्ज डॉलर संपत्तीसह जगातील दुसऱ्या क्रमांकाचे श्रीमंत व्यक्ती होते. त्यांची सध्या एकूण संपत्ती 35.3 अब्ज डॉलर्स एवढी आहे. दरम्यान, एका महिन्यातच अदानींचे शेअर्स 85 टक्क्यांपर्यंत कोसळले आहेत.

मित्राच्या वाढदिवसाला केक मिळाला नाही तर सरळ "URBAN TOHFA" कंपनी स्थापन केली!

  भोपाळचा रहिवासी असलेला नीरज सांगतो की, त्याच्या मित्राच्या वाढदिवसाला रात्री कुठेही केक सापडला नाही. काही दिवसांनी चार मित्र एकत्र बसले आणि त्यांनी मिळून एक कल्पना सुचली आणि "अर्बन तोहफा " ऑनलाइन केक डिलिव्हरी सुरू केली. कंपनी, ज्यामध्ये ते रात्रभर 24x7 ऑनलाइन केक डिलिव्हरी करू शकतात. आम्ही डिलिव्हरी करतो, वर्षाला 1.5 कोटींची उलाढाल होते. सुरुवातीला कुटुंबातील सदस्य म्हणाले होते की मैत्रीत व्यवसाय चालणार नाही. पण आता व्यवसाय सुरळीत चालू आहे!